Hello and Welcome,
This website belongs to Dr Hava Drummond (CPsychol, PsychD, MA, BScHons)
Dr Drummond offers private psychology / psychotherapy / counselling services in Berkshire, Surrey and London. She is highly experienced in treating a range of mental health problems and helping with life difficulties.
- Quality psychology, counselling and psychotherapy services, assessment, and treatment in various locations
- A caring professional who can help you solve your problems in a solution-focussed, fast and effective way
- Private psychological treatments with fast and flexible appointments
- A skilled therapist and an expert in providing varous psychological therapies including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), psychodynamic, existential therapy and person-centred counselling
- Treatment for a range of emotional, behavioural and psychological problems including:
To discuss your issues or to book an appointment please reach me at:
E-mail: contact@psych-key.com Phone: 07442755753